Thursday, January 19, 2017

Visceral Response

The definition of "visceral" is -relating to deep inward feelings rather to the intellect- and the assignment is graded on design influences creating an affective consequence... Well, I could say that the contrast of the figure on the rocks compared to the distant haven could be either bleak or bewitching. Or I think there's a dynamic quality to the brushwork that, combined with the fluid composition, creates an almost Kandinsky-like emotional resonance.

But the pure and simple fact is that this painting brought a tear to my eye, the only painting to do so. I don't pretend to fully understand why or how, because when I look at it, I am at a loss of words. It is stupefying to me.

When it comes to painting(s) my wife is the artist. She paints with oils, chalk, acrylic, fruit and vegetable juices. Me, I'm the video expert. I set up and capture moving images. I could critique a film, not so much a painting.

I took a Humanities Through the Arts class in college from the wonderful Professor Melanie Hinton. She did open my eyes, perhaps not as fully as she would have hoped given her perseverance. I saw the paintings and sculptures and cave drawings. They're nice. But, nothing in that class captivated me as much as Caspar David Friedrich's "Wanderer above the Sea Fog."

This painting portrays how I feel everyday. Battling my own demons, wrestling with my own consciousness.
the feeling of futility...

After class I sat on a nearby couch, and stared at this painting. I'll admit it made me cry. But I would be surprised to hear that I was the first and only soul to do so.

It's beautiful yet Scary. Creates hope while instilling fear. A faceless wanderer at the top of his existence and, if metaphorically, at a crossroads. Where is he coming from? What is he doing here? What is ahead of him?

..."rocks" my friend says...

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